How big will the demand for AirMarker be, what will the reactions be?

A car packed with series-ready AirMarker products, stand and promotional items travels with the AirMarker team to Innsbruck. The excitement is growing, as it is the first time that the world's first tyre, the R.One, is being presented to end consumers.

Lots of great feedback that inspired new ideas

Two days full of intensity, excitement and great insights at the Alpine Trade Fair in Innsbruck! The overwhelmingly positive feedback from enthusiastic visitors reinforces our vision of a balloon rescue system for outdoor use. These energetic days not only fuelled our project, but also inspired exciting new ideas. Thank you very much for the enormous interest – we are not only taking home enthusiasm, but also numerous fresh ideas.

AirMarker Stand an der Alpinmesse in Insbruck
Grosser Besucherandrang am Messestand von AirMarker