An idea gains momentum
A balloon that can be released by victims of accidents or missing people would simplify any search operation: Rico Dürst had this idea years ago, but let it slide into a drawer. Until 2021, when a rescue pilot friend told him the story of a wild rescue operation that would have taken hours. This was despite the fact that the approximate search radius had been clearly delineated. But the poor visibility combined with the fact that the victim was under a rocky outcrop had delayed the search. Rico Dürst remembered his idea with the balloon, and it opened an open door for the pilot and everyone else to whom he told it: The decision was made to turn the idea into a product. Rico Dürst found a sparring partner in his colleague of many years, Daniel Wattenhofer, and together they founded AirMarker AG and launched the «AirMarker» idea. They brought in a proven product design company, and a wild ride of progress, setbacks, learnings and the associated emotions ensued. But by 2023 the time has come: the AirMarker is ready to fly and make its mark in the sky as a unique balloon rescue system. Making its mark and being seen.